THIRD makes "Conscious Softwear".
We're hoping that our shirts will help change the world. With equal parts cognitive dissonance,
humor, indignation, compassion and cotton every one of our shirts is created.
If you like our shirts because it says something you believe, share it with the world. The message
could start a conversation. You might make a new friend. Or you might change someone's perspective.
The messages we're trying to share are less about fear and hatred. It's our hope to overcome
evil with good. To that end, our products are directed at the ideas behind power rather than at the
people who appear to be in power.
So, wear a shirt from THIRD because everyone loves a good cover-up.
We are located in Montana just so we don't have to charge sales tax. No, that's not quite true. We do love
the Big Sky state. It's always been our home... except when we're traveling the world.
We're called THIRD for a couple of reasons. The simple reason is that it's Daniel Webb's third company.
The more philosophical reason is based on our belief that everyone is a three part being: spirit, soul & body.
THIRD tries to create offerings for each third of who we are.
- For more information about designs and sizes, etc. see our FAQ page.
- For more information about shipping, returns and international options, see our shipping & returns page.
- For privacy information see our privacy page.
- For all other queries, please contact us.